Pulling off a ‘Effie Trinket’ – the desi way

How does it feel when you pay zero attention to what others think of you? Fabulous, right? Well, that’s what the character of ‘Effie Trinket’ from Suzanne Collins’s ‘The Hunger Games’ is all about -where Effie stays dolled up to bits with her unapologetic attitude and pays no heed to what others think about her. This article is about celebrating yourself and dressing remorselessly.


Here’s to becoming gustier and owning the spotlight:

You make trends, trends follow you!

There’s no fashion rulebook at all. Feel free to wear snickers with formal office-wear or wear your off-shoulder top with a bindi; in essence- ‘wear what makes you feel better.’


Complexion rises confusion?

Never. Who says dusky women cannot wear loud colours? Well, throw them and their ridiculous doctrines away. You rock what you wear and it’s totally up to you what colours you choose to wear!


Quintessential imperfection – fused in perfection

Everyone has their very own perspective regarding style and perfection. You decide what to wear and how to wear it. Let your clothes act as the side-kick telling the world that you have arrived.


Cease the show with attitude!

So grow your hair out long, get that piercing, and live a little. And we pray that you find exactly what you’re looking for down the lanes of doja’, kitchen market and gausia.

You. Yes, you.
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