What More Can Eggs Do For You

The fringe-benefits associated to egging have been so trending lately that its perks can hardly be exaggerated.

After all, it is the best protein treatment one can offer to counter xenophobic ideologies, either by direct consumption or a slight bump in the head.

While, eggs could very well be the answer to global disputes today, they can also be the ultimate solution for most of your skin and hair care problems at the same time. Read away to find out!

Skin Care

Tightens pores: The egg white, when separated from the egg yolk and applied to face, can tighten your pores and prevent dirt from piling up on your skin.

Our fashion ambassadors recommend a twice a week egg-cleansing routine if you are suffering from large pores. If you do not like the smell, try adding a spoonful of lemon juice to it.  


Removes facial hair: Using egg whites is one of the less painful ways of removing facial hair from your skin. Simply brush the egg white on your skin by using a paper towel face mask. 

Leave it to dry completely before you quickly pull it off from your face. The facial hair will come off along with the mask.


Reduces oil: Trust us, we hate the greasy coating on our faces and especially on our respective T-zones as much as you do. But fret not, egg-whites are here for the rescue!

Beat the egg white mildly until it feels stiff. Add: 1 spoon of honey, and 1 spoon of lemon juice afterwards. Lemon juice, popularly known for its astringent properties, absorbs the excessive oil. Honey acts as a moisturizer while the egg whites nourish the skin.



Hair care: Makes hair smooth and shiny: If you’re disappointed by your shampoo that warranted shiny hair but is now failing to do so, try an egg!

Just separate the egg-white, beat it until it is frothy and spread it all over you hair. Sit back for 10-15 minutes before you wash it off and notice the difference yourself.


Reduces scalp oil: Just whisk an egg with a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice and slather it all over. The egg white will thereby prevent excess oil from being secreted on the scalp.


I know the smell of eggs on your skin and hair can be frustrating, but hey, that’s the only downside. After how useful they have recently proved to be, can you really help but love them?


You. Yes, you.
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