Varsity Clubs VS House of Cards

All your life your seniors have told you how varsity life is so fun and colorful with your own little clique, the afternoon teas, singing Artcell and L.R.B. out loud with guitars – the list goes on!

And then you step into your varsity for the first time and you see people wearing t-shirts embroidered with names like ‘YES!’, ‘TMC’, ‘BB’. Who are they? Your seniors didn’t mention any inside cults!


This is when you are introduced to the idea of clubs. Clubs with their ‘corporate’ vibes and shiny promotions! They are looking for someone like you! You feel special and fill up the registration form and unknowingly, you have the dice of a big snake-ladder ludo game. Little do you know that the things you have seen on House of Cards soon will come to life thanks to this seemingly little event!


Friends with benefits

Let me explain this before you get hyper about the title. Once you’re in a club, you’ll see people getting really close to the seniors. There will be meetings and you’ll see those seniors somehow know many little details (along with some made up ones) about everyone. Remember how Frank Underwood gave Zoe dirt on his opponents for his own benefit? That’s what’s happening here!


Life in a metro

After two months of fun, you’ll realize club life is basically you and your mates standing in a metro station and some of you will have the ticket to the train of promotion and some will not. However, the ones who create problems, the seniors and sometimes even their own friends will push them onto an oncoming train just like Frank pushed Zoe when she became an inconvenience.


Mr. President

Clubs are all about climbing up the ladder. One of the many purposes of clubbing is it boosts your CV. Will it really boost your CV if you are only a General Member? The answer is no. You have to climb up to a decent post for it to have some value. This is a game of power. Only one person will be the President and you will see how people do all kinds of stuff to see their name on that prestigious position. Just like Frank Underwood.


My turn

In your club life, you’ll see people being shadowed under bigger personnel. They will want to rise to power but the bigger fishes will always bite them down. But their day shall come too. They will see one sign of despair among the bigger fishes and push them down to become the leader just how Claire Underwood rose to her ‘My turn’ moment.


In the end, club life is not only about politics. Like everything else, it has its good sides and bad sides. If it gets too political, my advice will be to not get discouraged. You should rather put your game face on and show them what you are made of!

You. Yes, you.
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