Transforming PR: Amplifying Impact, Revolutionizing Narratives

1. Can you walk us through your entrepreneurial journey from its inception, and shed light on the key lesson you’ve drawn from your experiences?

Umaila Akhter – At Turn Up, we’re on a journey to uplift individuals at every juncture of their lives, celebrating their authentic stories. We consistently work to ignite a transformative spark within each person and each brand, ensuring that their narratives not only echo loudly but also touch hearts worldwide, fostering a community where personal growth knows no bounds. We’re on a mission to empower others to shine brightly in their endeavors, all while we embark on our own journey of growth and evolution. Every success story from our clients becomes a part of our own personal journey towards becoming the best versions of ourselves.

My journey as an entrepreneur has led me to believe that: ‘Your journey is about learning to become more of who you really are, and fulfilling the highest, truest version of yourself as a human being’.

2. Given your background in the music industry and insight into aspiring individuals, how do you offer value beyond bridging talent and opportunity at Turn Up? Also, could you share your overarching vision for the company?

Zafir Huq – Throughout my journey as a musician, I’ve encountered countless talented individuals yearning for platforms to showcase their creativity. Despite the allure of the entertainment world, I’ve witnessed firsthand the struggles, the setbacks, and the uphill battles that artists and aspiring professionals face when trying to carve out their space in the digital realm.

My decision to join Turn Up as a COO and Managing Partner stems from a deep-rooted desire to be a catalyst for the dreams of artists and creators. It is a great opportunity for me to use my experiences and expertise to uplift others who are walking a similar path. It’s not just about business; it’s about connection, about giving back to a community that has given me so much.

My goal is to curate a space where individuals can access the necessary resources, connections, and expertise to propel their careers forward. Through our combined efforts, we aim to serve as a conduit between talent and opportunity, leveraging our industry experience and network to empower clients in navigating the competitive landscape. 

3. How do you navigate being spouses and business partners simultaneously? Can you provide insights into your approach for seamlessly integrating your personal and professional lives?

Umaila Akhter – The sentiment I hold for Turn Up PR is akin to the deep love and care one feels for something of their own like building a family — a place that I am committed to nurturing and safeguarding at all costs. When my husband joined as the Chief Operating Officer and Managing Partner, it infused Turn Up PR with an even deeper sense of belonging, transforming it into more than just a workplace, but into a cherished extension of our home.

In Turn Up PR, we have found not just a workplace, but a place where our hearts reside, where our creativity flourish, and where our dreams take flight. Zafir is not just my partner; he’s my rock, my cheerleader, and my go-to person for everything. Inevitably, having the opportunity to work with him is truly a gift. 

In my capacity as a founder, the demands placed upon me necessitate a relentless focus on goals and strategy. It’s a role that requires foresight and determination, traits that I strive to embody each day. Meanwhile, Zafir leads with a rare blend of empathy and insight, forging connections and fostering a sense of unity within our company. His approach goes beyond mere leadership; it’s about building a positive culture and cultivating a supportive environment where each team member feels valued and empowered. 

Honestly, working with Zafir is an absolute joy, and what I adore most goes beyond just our professional synergy. It’s about having each other’s backs. Learning so much together and expanding our understanding. We hype each other up, making work feel like a breeze while also cheering each other on in life. It’s that bond that makes our teamwork so much more than just a job.

Zafir Huq – In a world where work-life balance can often feel elusive, having the opportunity to merge personal and professional lives in such a meaningful way is something to be grateful about.  Actually our work itself aligns our personal goals and makes it easy for us to work together in harmony. Whatever we do at Turn Up is real, ethical and conscious at its core.

Within the walls of Turn Up PR, we find a sense of fulfillment in our shared passion for creativity and community impact. It’s a sanctuary where our individual strengths merge to create something greater than ourselves. Each day, we are driven by a collective desire to give our absolute best, not only for the success of our company but also to make meaningful contributions to the world around us. When challenges arise, having my partner there means having a reliable sounding board, a partner who knows your work style, and someone who genuinely wants to see you succeed. 

It’s not just about shared office space or collaborative projects; it’s about the deep-seated trust and understanding that comes from knowing each other’s professional strengths intimately. I am beyond grateful to share the same dream with Umaila, having goals that align with our personal and professional development.

4. Tell us the experience of being a part of multiple collaborations, unique partnerships, and expansions since the inception of establishments of Turn Up. 

Zafir Huq – Turn Up PR is a really special place that celebrates our people wholeheartedly. We have been incredibly lucky to be part of projects that really helped us see the power of organic outreach campaigns in our community. Nothing matters more than the people we share our journey with. At the first edition of Dhaka Makers, our core PR strategy was to focus on the collective community that we had built – our most amazing team, our makers, our volunteers, and everyone who supported us in this journey. The essence of PR resides in organic advocacy and word of mouth. Dhaka Makers was just that — a platform driven by the people, for the people. It emerged as “the place to be” for the community, where people of all demographics were welcomed, evoking a sense of belonging in them. The festival was a testament to the power of PR, community outreach and collaboration. 

When we worked on the PR concept for the first edition of Dhaka Makers, which was the first of its kind, our PR strategy focused on building a sense of community and authenticity, tapping into the local maker culture, and highlighting the stories and craftsmanship behind each creation. We are beyond grateful to our partners and a host of media platforms with whom we work and who were able to tell our story by sharing the same values. We are really pleased to receive an outpouring of appreciation from our own community and beyond.

Umaila Akhter As publicity curators, we understand that each project, event, or product launch is unique and requires a tailored approach to maximize its impact. What distinguishes Turn Up from others is our non-commercial approach to our work. This commitment allows us to maintain authenticity, integrity, and a genuine connection with those we serve.

For example, we launched the Proton X90 in Bangladesh which demanded a different strategy from Dhaka Makers in every aspect. Here, our approach was geared towards highlighting the innovative features, technology, and performance of the vehicle, while also emphasizing its relevance and appeal to the Bangladesh market. This involved collaborating with influencers, car enthusiasts, the automobile circuit, leveraging media partnerships, and creating engaging content tailored to automotive enthusiasts.

Svadha, a brand we proudly designed and developed, embodies a world where self-care and wellness take center stage. From the brand’s logo, brand narrative, communications strategy, creative visuals to the wellness package and invites – every element had been carefully designed. We focused on overall well-being and self-care for women, setting it apart in an industry often centered solely on aesthetics. The campaign orchestrated by Turn Up beautifully aligns with this ethos, emphasizing not just outer beauty but inner wellness as well.

In essence, every launch necessitates a focused and personalized approach that takes into account the unique characteristics, target audience, and objectives of the project. By adapting our strategies accordingly, we ensure that each initiative receives the attention and resonance it deserves in the ever-evolving landscape of public relations and marketing.

5. Tell us about the exclusive network Turn Up has built over the years to connect brands with the right people.

Umaila Akhter – Our curated community network ‘ Turn Up Network’ encompasses diverse segments including food, art, music, education, and tech, with authentic data collected over the past four years. When brands engage with us, they gain access to targeted connections, allowing them to reach the perfect audience for their initiatives. 

For instance, if an art platform is launching, we swiftly pinpoint and engage avid art enthusiasts both locally and beyond, ensuring precise and effective outreach.

Now, when new brands partner with us, they’re not just getting a list of contacts; they’re gaining access to a treasure trove of targeted connections. It’s like having a backstage pass to reach exactly the audience they’ve been dreaming of. Let’s say there’s this brand-new retail store ready to make its grand debut. We spring into action, leveraging our wealth of data to identify and engage with the most avid shoppers, not just in our city but across borders too. It’s all about precision, ensuring that every outreach is not just effective but downright electrifying.

6. Share with us your sustainability and long-term PR practices and how they help to build brand value. 

Zafir Huq – In today’s increasingly conscious consumer landscape, sustainable business PR strategies have become paramount. While brands often seek instant gratification through each campaign, it’s crucial to recognize that such gains are fleeting. Likes, shares, and views are mere metrics that don’t always reflect genuine, long-lasting organic impact. 

On the contrary, PR offers a powerful and enduring means of shaping perceptions and building brand equity. Unlike the transient nature of social media metrics, effective PR efforts yield lasting results by cultivating authentic connections with relevant targeted audiences. 

For example, rather than reaching out to 50,000 people at one go, we deliberately focus on a more realistic and organic number. Focusing on smaller, more measurable groups like 5000 people at a time allows for a more organic and sustainable approach to engagement. This method ensures better impact over time compared to reaching out to 50,000 people all at once.

At Turn Up, our sustainable PR approach is not about quick wins but rather about gradual, consistent efforts aimed at fostering trust, credibility, and loyalty. 

Our enduring PR strategies are customized to empower brands and individuals to authentically align themselves with their work. By championing strategies that resonate with their values, we pave the way for them to establish genuine connections and lasting relevance.

7. Lastly, could you provide insights into some of your current and ongoing projects, as well as any upcoming developments we can anticipate from you both?

Umaila Akhter – Building on our recent collaboration with the University of London, Turn Up PR is committed to creating more opportunities for people in Bangladesh to have their stories shared on global platforms. Our agency’s vision extends beyond traditional boundaries, seeking to amplify the voices and experiences of individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures. By leveraging our expertise in public relations and strategic partnerships, we aspire to provide a platform for Bangladeshi voices to be heard on an international stage, fostering greater understanding, empathy, and connection across borders. This initiative not only aligns with our mission of making a global impact but also reflects our dedication to empowering communities and championing inclusivity in the media landscape. Together, we can elevate the narratives of Bangladesh and contribute to a more diverse and inclusive representation in the global conversation.

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