Technology : Now and Then (1990 Vs. 2021)

From the uncontrollable nagging of parents and their sympathizers alike, it is undeniable that technology has become a significant part of our lives. Which must have made it difficult for adults in the 90s to grapple the state of technology currently. Kudos to most, though, for adapting quickly. From the medicine you take to the car you drive, technology plays a role in every sphere of your life. Technology has progressed quite a bit since the ’90s and it is ever-evolving. 

Here’s a run-down of what’s changed.


Chatting with People

During the ’90s, the AIM/MSN craze spread like wildfire. By using its merits, one individual was able to – have infinite screen names to be recognized by, troll random chat rooms and so on. On the contrary, Facebook and Whatsapp have become more than legitimate heirs to the throne today. You can wage wars, influence the world and become a celebrity, all by creating polls and documenting your life on social media nowadays.


The possibilities are infinite.  


Listening to Music

Back in the ’90s, listening to music meant listening to the radio-recorded cassette tapes for the Walkman or, burning CDs for the Discman. You had to choose your cassette/CD very carefully before going out – keeping in mind that the songs on the specific tape are all the options you have for the entire day. Can you imagine the meticulous organization of songs people must have had to go through to make a tape for a specific day? 

It also had to fit inside your pocket as well – a moment of silence for the girls at the back.

Now, it’s either the smartphone or, if you want to go a little back, iPods and MP3 players. By the year 2021 – songs will be streamed directly from the cloud. No one has to buy albums. Music will no longer be stored in hard drives anymore.


Presenting Your Online Profile

We still remember a time when people used to spend hours making GeoCities webpages back in the 90’s. 

The selection of a profile picture is still as meticulous as ever. 

Not much has changed on this front. We spend hours looking for facebook profile pictures best fitting to our personalities, LinkedIn account pictures to say that we mean business, and twitter pictures to believe that we are still relevant. 


Watching the TV

In the 90s, there used to be one TV in the drawing room of a household and, if you were rich enough, one in the bedroom. Evenings spent around the only exciting form of entertainment is nostalgic for many. But today, you can watch the desired movies and TV series and everything else from your smartphone or, your laptop. Streaming services like Netflix are very popular nowadays among people for watching movies/TV series online.   


Browsing the Internet

Jeeves and AOL were the most popular means of browsing the internet in the 90s. These were not as convenient as the browsers like – Google Chrome or, Mozilla Firefox that are used today. Browsers of this modern era are evolving continuously, becoming more user-friendly as the years go by. 


Playing Video Games

The struggle of playing games on screens that had the display capacity of four shades of grey are looked upon fondly by many. Gameboy, NES, Sega, Game Gear, etc. were some of the most popular gaming gears used in the ’90s. Gone are the days of cute little sounds when you died; welcome the full on orchestral pieces commemorating your victory. 


In the present days, high-tech consoles like Sony’s Playstation, Microsoft’s Xbox, Wii, Nintendo Switch, etc. are the most demanded among gamers. The popular games of the ’90s can also be played in smartphones using certain applications. Cloud-based gaming is arguably the future of the gaming industry as big corporations like Google and Microsoft have declared their own cloud-based gaming platforms.    




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