“The Marvelous Show” has started from 5th February with popular social media influencers of the country in a different kind of arrangement which is presented by Sookh.com.
Social media influencer Salman Muqtadir participated as a guest to enlighten the first episode of this talk show which was performed by RJ Jahidul Haque Apu.
Isho is the space partner of the show and Samsung is the device partner.
A total of 10 episodes of The Marvelous Show will air every Saturday 8PM.
Keep an eye out for the show on The Marvel-Be You and Sookh.com’s (http://surl.li/bhauz) official Facebook page and YouTube channel (http://surl.li/bhauh).
‘The Marvel-Be You’ (http://surl.li/bhavx) is a unique platform for recognizing brands and influencers and promoting the industry. The platform aims to make networking more accessible to influencers and to ensure that influencers get the recognition they deserve and make a difference in the communications industry.
Sookh.com is a Bangladeshi e-commerce based marketplace which provides its products and services on B2B and B2C basis. It is contributing to the e-commerce industry by delivering products to the customers’ doorstep on fully Cash On Delivery (COD) method with just 16 Tk Delivery Charge.