Sarah Ezekiel’s Unorthodox Paintbrush

Sarah Ezekiel creates art with her eyes using eye-tracking technology.


Sarah had studied Art and Art History during her A Level so she was always passionate about the subject. She spent a majority of her career as a PA at Director Level in publishing.  Unfortunately, in April 2000, Sarah was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease/ALS at the age of 34 during her second pregnancy and lost the use of her hands or speech. Despite all the challenges, in February of 2012, she began to create her artwork with a Tobii PCEye Eyegaze computer. With the help of customized art software, Sarah utilizes a technology called “Eye Gaze” to control a cursor. An infrared bar scans and tracks Sarah’s eye movement which allows her to control the mouse using only her eyes.


Her influences include nature and artists like Klimt, Matisee and Modigliani. Sarah’s artwork been seen in exhibitions from Walthamstow Library (September 2012), London to Mada Center (February 2013), Doha, Qatar.


Sarah currently works as the Secretary of the NW London Branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association. She is also a Board Member of Movement for Hope and runs a not for profit Eyegazeartists website, all voluntary positions.

Sarah is a true inspiration, proving that nothing can stand in the way of passion and determination.

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