Pets during Pandemics

The most frequently asked question lately are “can pets get infected by coronavirus?” and “can pets spread COVID-19?”. Although there isn’t much evidence to prove anything for good, it has been seen that 3 house pets did get infected by the deadly virus whereas others haven’t. Medical personnel are still saying that they assume that animals cannot spread the disease until and unless an infected human being sneezed directly at them, causing them to carry the virus that can infect other humans. Since nobody is sure, pet owners are worried about how to take care of their animal-children in this crucial time. So, here are some tips:



1) Enough Supply: when you buy your own essentials, make sure that you have stocked up on their necessities as well, such as food, medications and toys. Don’t overfeed them as it can lead to many health problems.



2) Exercise: Try to play with them as much as you can as they need a good amount of exercise. Otherwise, they may gain weight and fall ill or get depressed and not let you focus on your work.


3) Good Hygiene: You should potty train them as soon as possible, so that they can go whenever they want themselves, but won’t go wherever they wish to. This will also help you to not constantly worry if they need your help. Also, try to keep them clean as well as wash your hands before and after interacting with them. Do not share eating utensils or beds/towels with them as both of you may fall ill, even if it’s not by coronavirus.



4) Don’t Panic: Your mood and behaviour will affect those of your pets. They might get anxious or aggressive towards you and others. Try to stay calm around them and remind them that you love them. This will keep them happy and obedient.


5) Medical Emergencies: If you suspect your pets are infected, inform the vet before you take the pets to him so that other animals don’t get infected at the clinic. Get them vaccinated and make sure all of their medical records are up to date so that it is easier to treat them.



6) Plan B: Make sure you identify someone who can take care of your pets when you can’t in case of emergencies or when you, more importantly, are no longer there. Write them everything your pets may need and want for a happy and healthy life without you. And, if you are a carrier, don’t take chances and spend time with your pets just because it isn’t proved that you can transfer it to them. Don’t forget that it isn’t proved that you CAN’T either.

You. Yes, you.
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