Pathao Reveals Story Behind The Logo

Pathao started as a logistics company in Dhaka, in late 2015. The idea was to connect people and technology together to provide last-mile and on-demand delivery solutions, with the goal of bringing other relevant services in the near future.


But before all that could happen, the founders had to come up with a name for the company – a name that is easily relatable to what the business does. And that is how ‘Pathao (পাঠাও)’ came to life. Pathao is a Bangla word which means ‘send’ in English.

Once the name was decided, the founders went ahead and quickly brainstormed a few ideas with the designer. At that stage, not a lot of thought went behind the logo. But it was also not a matter of random font and color choices, because the visual aspects of the logo should carry and complement the meaning and purpose behind the name.


After some rough sketches and design iterations, a wordmark was crafted. The circular shapes and the slanted typeface gave a sense of movement and forward motion, both of which communicated the nature of Pathao’s service, metaphorically. But the characteristics of the wordmark was not enough to complete it into a logo, yet.


The people delivering packages are at the forefront of Pathao’s service, and that concept was incorporated in the logotype. This was done by symbolizing the bicycle courier, which later on also became Pathao’s standalone logomark and the app icon. Four pieces were composed together within the logotype to represent this visually: the bag, the courier, and the letters ‘o’ and ‘a’ (metaphor for wheels of a moving bicycle or bike).

Lastly, the brand color red is derived from the national flag, and it represents pride and passion of the ambitious Bangladeshi startup.

Over the years Pathao experienced significant growth. New services were launched and sub-brands were added to the logotype accordingly. Despite several design iterations, Pathao’s logotype and logomark remains unchanged as it continues to be relevant to the company’s purpose and future vision.

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