Mati-Ta Eco Resort – A Retreat Into Nature

1. Let’s start with the inspiration behind Mati-Ta Eco-Resort and how the idea of it being about a combination of wellness and hospitality happened?

Amidst the joys and responsibilities of parenthood, a profound realization dawned upon me—a realization that would eventually shape the trajectory of my professional journey. Observing my children gravitate towards gaming and mobile phones, largely due to the absence of accessible outdoor play spaces, sparked a realization. Drawing inspiration from the popularity of summer camps abroad, I pondered the potential of introducing a similar concept in our own country. This contemplation gave birth to the idea of Mati-Ta Resort—a realization that we could repurpose our existing property into a haven where children can immerse themselves in physical activity and nature. Thus, from a blend of professional insight and parental concern, the vision for Mati-Ta Resort was conceived.

2. Walk us through an overview of the resort and its unique offerings and the range of programs, including the signature activities. 

Mati-Ta is a haven tailored to provide unique experiences for every age group. Our design philosophy ensures that every visitor, from toddlers to seniors, finds joy and engagement tailored to their preferences. Nestled amidst the tranquil embrace of nature, Mati-Ta Eco-Resort beckons with a symphony of serenity and adventure. Picture yourself surrounded by lush greenery, where the melody of birdsong harmonizes with the gentle rustle of leaves, and every breath carries the invigorating scent of earth.

For the youngest visitors, ages 3-4, a world of wonder awaits. Our custom-built playground, animal and fish feeding activities, boating adventures, and a vibrant display of birds and peacocks offer endless amusement. Children aged 10-12 will find their thrill in our theme-based activities, designed to fuel their imagination and energy. Our versatile food options, including favorites like burgers and pizza, cater to their tastes and dietary whims. Teenagers, particularly those between 16-18, can bond over foosball, embark on treks, enjoy camping and bonfires, and unwind with music, creating memories in a backdrop of camaraderie.

Couples are invited to immerse themselves in our eco-resort’s tranquility, with eco-rooms and honeymoon packages that promise a serene and intimate connection with nature. Families will discover a setting that enriches their time together, offering a blend of adventure and relaxation. For our senior guests, leisurely fishing, engaging indoor games like carrom and cards, and outdoor movie screenings provide a perfect blend of activity and relaxation.

At Mati-Ta, respecting every age group means designing a comprehensive program that caters to varied interests, all while championing sustainability. Our commitment to environmental stewardship is evident in our use of recycled materials for furniture and other elements, minimizing our carbon footprint. We prioritize local sourcing to support and enhance our community, complemented by a food menu that features fresh, organic produce from our own farm. Mati-Ta embodies a commitment to joy, sustainability, and community, ensuring a memorable experience for every visitor, regardless of age.

3. Can you share insights into the aesthetic ambiance of Mati-ta and its dedication to fostering a deep connection with nature?

The essence of Mati-ta lies in its breathtaking geographical layout, a masterpiece of nature’s own making. Encircled by valleys and anchored by a serene 4-acre lake amidst flatlands, its natural beauty forms the core of our design ethos. This magnificent setting required minimal intervention from us, allowing nature to dictate the design. The lake was the only addition, serving as the heart of Mati-ta, around which our vision came to life.

The architectural journey of Mati-ta is a personal labor of love, far from being a conventional engineered project. My husband took the lead in crafting the landscape, while we both immersed ourselves in the interior design, treating every corner and every piece as a reflection of our passion and care for our shared vision. Mati-ta is adorned with our personal touch, from each door to every design detail, embodying our commitment to creating a space that resonates with warmth and intimacy.

Our drive to establish an eco-friendly retreat dictated our choice of materials and construction techniques. The resort’s structure predominantly features bamboo, including our striking palladium building, complemented by wooden flooring and an earthbag sheltered office space. We also introduced mud houses, embracing traditional and sustainable building methods.

Navigating the challenges of Bangladesh’s diverse climate—from rain to summer to winter—poses a significant challenge in maintaining our eco-friendly structures, especially bamboo and wood, which require annual care and replacement. Yet, this commitment to sustainability brings unparalleled satisfaction. The unique ambiance of staying in a wooden room, enveloped by the soothing scent of wood, offers a deeply aesthetic and grounding experience. All our furniture is crafted on-site by skilled carpenters, further ensuring that every piece contributes to the harmonious blend of mud, bamboo, and wood.

In essence, Mati-ta is not just a resort; it’s a sanctuary designed with a profound love for nature and a dedication to sustainability, offering a truly authentic and enriching experience to all who visit.

4. As Mati-Ta started from idea of summer camp, if you could mention some of the programs or collaboration with schools etc.
Launching a summer camp initiative in Bangladesh has been my foremost ambition, and over the past five years, we’ve received an overwhelmingly positive response from schools nationwide. Our inaugural program kicked off with 150 students from Chittagong Grammar School (CGS), and since then, we’ve established a cornerstone partnership with IVY School, hosting a variety of programs tailored to different age groups and durations, including day-long sessions, one to five-night stays, each meticulously designed to cater to the unique needs and interests of each age group.

Our camps offer an array of activities, managed by a dedicated team of camp marshals and trainers, operating on a well-structured schedule. Participants begin by setting up camp and tents, followed by engaging in a series of adventurous activities like rappelling, jumaring, wall and tower climbing, and river crossing. Trekking trails of varying lengths and treasure hunts with puzzles enrich the experience further. Nighttime activities include cooking their meals, often with produce from our own farm, where they also learn about cultivation.

A significant aspect of our camps is fostering social awareness among the children. We facilitate visits to local schools and slum areas to discuss topics such as hygiene and menstruation, promoting a sense of community and empathy. These experiences are transformative, offering life-changing insights and learning.

Catering to prestigious institutions like Dhaka’s ISD, Australian International School, Playpen School, Scholastica, Aga Khan, Presidency School, Chittagong Grammar School, and Cider School, Mati-Ta has become a trusted name among parents and educators alike. Our secure location, surrounded by the navy, reassures parents about the safety of their children, contributing to the increasing recognition of our camps as an essential part of youth education and development in Bangladesh.

Acknowledging the essential role of schools in making participation mandatory, we’re grateful for their support in promoting camping culture. As a woman, I place a high emphasis on inclusivity, ensuring that our camps are equipped to cater to girls’ specific needs, thereby encouraging more parents to embrace this opportunity for their daughters. Mati-Ta stands as a testament to the transformative power of nature, adventure, and community engagement in shaping young minds.

5. Can you discuss any upcoming events, workshops, or special programs that guests can look forward to at Mati-Ta and are there any expansion plans or future developments for Mati-Ta Eco-Resort?

At Mati-Ta, we extend our offerings beyond youth camps to encompass wellness and yoga programs, underscoring our commitment to promoting mental health. Collaborating with Dhaka Flow, we have hosted several events, with many more in the pipeline. As a medical professional, I am deeply attuned to the universal need for a sanctuary where individuals can disconnect from the hustle of everyday life and immerse themselves in tranquility. We advocate for starting the day with meditation and yoga amidst nature, facilitating a connection with oneself and the environment.

Our initiatives also focus on detoxification and relaxation, supported by the provision of organic food. With an eye toward expanding our health and wellness services, we are in the process of introducing health products and planning to unveil a swimming pool to enhance our guests’ experience further. Moreover, Mati-Ta has become a sought-after venue for destination weddings, a trend we aim to cultivate with even greater elegance.

Strategically located near the airport on the Dhaka-Chittagong highway, Mati-Ta ‘s accessibility adds to its appeal as a holistic retreat. Our mission is to create a space that not only offers a sense of holistic well-being but also fosters a spiritual connection, encouraging guests to find peace and serenity. Mati-Ta stands as a beacon for those seeking a pause from the world, offering a haven where calmness and rejuvenation are not just experienced but deeply felt.

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