Leading With Precision

1. Could you take us back to your early days and provide a glimpse into your academic and career journey?

My journey began in the modest town of Gaibandha, where I embarked on my educational path, influenced by my father’s role as a government servant. This early chapter led me to the esteemed Rangpur Cadet College after a relocation prompted by my father’s posting, where I completed my secondary and higher secondary education. The year 1985 marked a pivotal turn as I entered the Bangladesh Military Academy, leading to my commission on December 25, 1986. My academic pursuits did not halt at military training; I also achieved my graduation from Chittagong University, specializing in logistics within the Bangladesh Army’s central logistic installation in Dhaka. My role expanded beyond traditional boundaries as I honed expertise in ammunition and explosives, further enriched by international training in China and the United Kingdom. This global perspective was instrumental in my academic achievements, culminating in two master’s degrees and a Ph.D. in public procurement in 2016.

Over 36 years, my service spanned across all levels of command, instruction, and staff responsibilities within the Bangladesh Army. I led units in Dhaka and Chattogram, contributed as an instructor at Ordnance Centre and School, Bangladesh Military Academy, and Defence Services Command and Staff College, and served in pivotal roles at the Army Headquarters. As Director and then Master General of the Ordnance, I oversaw the logistic support, procurement, and supply chain management, significantly impacting the army’s operational efficiency.

My military career was also marked by significant contributions to international peacekeeping, participating in four UN peacekeeping operations across the African continent. Beyond the military, I engaged in civic duties as chairman of Jolshiri Abashon, a member of the board of directors of Bangladesh Machine Tools Factory and Bangladesh Diesel Plant, a member of the senate at Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), and a trustee of three Army University of Science & Technology.

Reflecting on these decades of service, my journey weaves through the realms of military duty, academic achievement, and civic responsibility, highlighting a commitment to leadership, development, and education that transcends the confines of my initial role in the army.

2. Being a significant part of Bangladesh Defense, what initially inspired you to join the Bangladesh Army, and how has your initial motivation at the Army evolved over the years?

From an early age, I harbored a profound admiration for the uniform and a preference for a disciplined life. My time at cadet college not only ingrained in me the importance of discipline but also solidified my resolve to lead a life characterized by order and purpose. These foundational experiences fueled my aspiration to join the Bangladesh Army, an endeavor that has been blessed with 36 years of dignified service, unwavering patriotism, and unimpeachable professionalism.

Retiring from the Bangladesh Army marks the end of an era, but not the cessation of pride that comes from having borne the flag and participated in distinct operations. The honor of serving as an instructor across various institutions allowed me to mentor countless students, many of whom have ascended to senior positions, adding a layer of gratification to my career. Moreover, contributing to the training of the Sri Lankan armed forces and playing a role in the modernization and equipping of the Bangladesh Army have been particularly rewarding experiences.

This journey, underpinned by a strong network of colleagues, peers, and team members who offered unwavering support, underscores the collective effort behind personal achievements. My success, reflective of the camaraderie and solidarity within the ranks, is a testament to the collaborative spirit that defines military service. I look back on my military career with a profound sense of satisfaction, grateful for the opportunity to serve and the impact we’ve made together.

3. What leadership principles or philosophies guided you in your various roles within the Bangladesh Army and how has it impacted your personal life?

I consistently emphasize to my students the vital connection between leadership and humanity. To be a successful leader, or indeed successful in any capacity, one must first be a commendable human being. Leadership encompasses both conceptual and functional dimensions. From a conceptual standpoint, the essence of leadership is anchored in honesty—both financial and intellectual. It’s imperative for a leader to not only be ethical but also knowledgeable, as the complexities of the 21st century demand leadership informed by a broad spectrum of knowledge.

On the functional side, I believe in the paramount importance of team building, cohesion, and the creation of unified teams as the bedrock of success. A leader must cultivate respect for others, especially those in junior positions, fostering an environment where ‘we’ prevails over ‘I’. It is essential for leaders to recognize and credit the contributions of others while also possessing the moral courage to accept and learn from failures.

As a senior leader, I always prefer Nelson Mandela’s leadership approach, particularly his advocacy for leading from behind to empower the followers to take the forefront. This instills pride, ownership, and a collective spirit. Quitting is leading can also be a form of leadership underscores the importance of flexibility and adaptability in leadership roles. A leader should radiate positivity, embodying an “I can, we can” attitude, and while it may be challenging for senior leaders to maintain a personal touch across an entire organization, it remains crucial for leaders to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their team members.

Setting clear, attainable goals is fundamental, and there is a wise note that it’s impossible to please everyone. A leader must accept this reality, focusing instead on the collective good and the attainment of shared objectives. Through these principles, I strive to mold leaders who are not only effective in their roles but also deeply human at their core.

4. What drove you to pursue advanced studies, including multiple master’s degrees, and how has your academic journey contributed to your expertise in the field?

I’ve always placed a high value on knowledge-based leadership, believing firmly that a leader grounded in knowledge is inherently capable, confident, and competent. My academic journey, culminating in a Ph.D. in public procurement, coupled with hands-on experience in supply chain and logistics, has been instrumental in shaping my leadership approach.

Starting my career in Army Ordnance Corps-a logistics branch of the army, I gained invaluable insights initially from working in warehouses, managing inventory, and conducting inspections. These early experiences laid a solid foundation for my understanding of the intricacies of logistics and supply chain management. As I ascended to more senior positions, my responsibilities expanded to include procurement management, contract negotiations, and policy formulation within the Bangladesh Army. This progression allowed me to leverage my educational background and practical experiences in a harmonious blend, enhancing my capacity to contribute effectively.

I am convinced that the synergy between education and experience is a powerful catalyst for superior leadership and meaningful contributions. This belief has guided me throughout my service, enabling me to make informed decisions and implement efficient practices that have significantly benefited my organization.

5. With your extensive experience in government-to-government contract negotiations and international contracts, how do you handle cross-cultural challenges during procurement delegations abroad?

Negotiation is indeed an art, deeply influenced by situational contexts. The outcome of negotiations between countries can have a significant impact on national interests. A critical aspect often overlooked in negotiation is thorough research. It’s essential to recognize that negotiation styles and behaviors vary across nations and are influenced by environmental, societal, and cultural factors necessitating a deep understanding of the country one is engaging with.

Teamwork plays a crucial role in negotiations. Knowing your team’s strengths and identifying your counterpart’s weaknesses can provide a strategic advantage. This preparation requires comprehensive homework before entering negotiations, emphasizing the importance of being well-informed.

One of the most effective negotiation techniques is to listen more and commit less, especially in the early stages. Taking the time to fully understand the other party’s position without rushing to commit can lead to more favorable outcomes. Negotiations are ideally win-win situations where both parties find mutual satisfaction. A skilled negotiator knows when to pause or take a break, adapting to the flow of discussions as needed. When negotiating with foreign countries, especially in government-to-government talks, adhering to diplomatic norms is paramount. Finally, the nuances of language and body language are vital. Understanding and maintaining appropriate language and body language can significantly influence the negotiation’s outcome, underlining the multifaceted nature of successful negotiation strategies.

6. How do you see the current state of procurement practices in Bangladesh, and what improvements do you believe are necessary for more efficient and transparent procurement processes?

Since the enactment of the Public Procurement Act of 2006 and the Public Procurement Rules of 2008, Bangladesh has seen significant improvements in the transparency, accountability, and procedural aspects of public procurement. The inclusion of Electronic Government Procurement (E-GP) has further enhanced efficiency and transparency, marking a substantial progress in how procurement is conducted within the public sector. Meanwhile, the private sector continues to operate under its own set of policies, which differ from public regulations.

Procurement, by its nature, is a technical field that involves the substantial allocation of financial resources. One of the primary areas in need of improvement is the process of needs assessment—accurately determining what is necessary. Setting the right specifications is critical; if the specifications are incorrect, the entire procurement process is compromised. Currently, there is a tendency to create hybrid specifications based on information sourced from the internet, leading to challenges in the procurement process.

Furthermore, there is a strong need for rigorous market research to diversify and expand the pool of suppliers, enhancing competition and options. Another critical area requiring enhancement is post procurement management, particularly in ensuring quality inspections and adhering to appropriate lead times during delivery. The timely delivery of goods and services is integral to maintaining the value of money, and delays can significantly impact this value.

7. Could you share some challenges and successes you encountered during your tenure as the chairman of Jolshiri Abashon, particularly in the planning, contracting, and construction phases of the project?

I owe a great deal of gratitude to our predecessors for their exceptional groundwork in planning, acquiring land, and initiating the development of Jolshiri Abashon. Their efforts laid a solid foundation for the project’s success. Upon assuming leadership, my team and I shifted our focus towards accelerating development to make the area quickly habitable.

One of the first major hurdles we encountered was the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which significantly hampered our progress. The pandemic made it challenging to secure labor, a critical component for advancing such a large-scale project. Despite these challenges, we were committed to fulfilling our promise to the plot owners, which included providing them with their registrations.

Moreover, we faced the daunting task of resolving disputes related to plots among land offices, stakeholders, and individuals. These disputes required careful negotiation and resolution to ensure fairness and satisfaction for all parties involved. Successfully overcoming these challenges and handing over the plots to their rightful owners was a significant achievement for us.

8. What strategies did you employ to navigate the complexities of real estate development in Bangladesh, especially on such a large scale?

Embarking on this project was an exciting yet formidable endeavor. Our initial objective centered around capturing interest and facilitating development. To kickstart our journey, we hosted a briefing session for key investors in the Bangladesh real estate sector as the COVID-19 situation began to stabilize towards the end of 2020. This session was instrumental in outlining our vision, detailing our plans, and inviting substantial investments from leading business entities, serving as our foundational trust-building strategy.

Understanding the importance of firsthand experience, we next turned our attention to making the project physically appealing. We constructed a picturesque park, transforming it into a beacon that drew visitors for leisure while simultaneously showcasing the potential of our development. This strategy significantly contributed to our project’s allure.

Central to our development philosophy was the prioritization of comprehensive infrastructure. This encompassed the construction of roads, internet connectivity, a mosque, a nine-hole golf course, and educational institutions, creating a hub of learning and community life. Additionally, we established a utility center to cater to the daily needs of our future residents, further emphasizing our commitment to convenience and quality of life.

Recognizing the complexity of managing such an expansive project, we adopted a decentralization strategy. By forming dedicated teams—focusing on education, healthcare, business districts, hotels, and parks—we were able to specialize our approach, enhancing our engagement with both local and foreign investors. This specialized focus facilitated targeted development and investment attraction efforts.

Lastly, our commitment to sustainability and environmental beauty was reflected in our strategic tree planting and lake development initiatives. These efforts not only contributed to the ecological well-being of the area but also significantly boosted its aesthetic appeal.

9. What motivated you to pursue a diverse range of academic roles, from serving on university boards to teaching at multiple institutions, and how do you integrate your practical experiences into your academic teachings?

Throughout my career, I have always placed a premium on continuous learning. Beyond fulfilling my responsibilities and managing routine tasks, I devoted myself to studying and contributing to academic discourse. My efforts have led to numerous publications in prestigious outlets like The Financial Express, particularly articles focused on public procurement. This dedication to learning and sharing knowledge not only enriched my professional life but also prepared me for a meaningful retirement. Holding a Ph.D. in public procurement and armed with extensive experience in supply chain management, I leveraged my expertise in senior leadership roles to make informed decisions, craft policies, and drive improvements in these sectors. Currently, I impart this wealth of knowledge to university students, teaching them the intricacies of supply chain and procurement management, as well as contract management.

My teaching extends beyond the academic realm into professional organizations and corporate groups, where I conduct training sessions on negotiation and supply chain management. My background in procurement, disaster management, and human resource management enables me to offer a holistic educational experience. In my classes, I cover strategic management, operations management, and delve into leadership aspects, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of these critical areas.

10. Looking back on your career journey, what advice would you offer to individuals aspiring to pursue similar paths in academia, business, and public service?

Success in any field begins with being a genuinely good person, grounded in strong ethical principles. Embrace learning as an unending journey, crucial for personal and professional growth. A significant leadership challenge is managing time effectively. It’s essential to maintain equilibrium among life’s various aspects—ensuring that personal growth, work, and studies enhance rather than impede each other. Prioritizing and balancing these facets are key.

A practical tip I’ve embraced, learned from a junior colleague, involves dedicating a few minutes at the end of each day to plan for the next. This simple act of noting down tomorrow’s tasks can significantly streamline your workload and enhance daily productivity.

Moreover, maintaining control over situations, rather than being dominated by them, is crucial, especially in senior roles where the pressure mounts. Staying composed and proactive in managing circumstances is essential for effective leadership.

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