In Conversation with Sunsilk’s Hijab Refresh Girl

The Prestige asked Raisa Rafsana, the vibrant real-life hijabi from the Sunsilk Hijab Refresh and Hijab Anti-Dandruff Shampoo advertisements. Unbelievably charming, full-of-life and good vibes – the Hijab Refresh Girl tells us all about how she had to wait a total of three years to land an advertisement that would allow her to keep her hijab on.


She expressed her gratitude towards all the creative teams she has worked with after taking up the hijab. Instances when she was the only on-screen artist fasting during Ramadan to having to have to put make-up on wearing her hijab because the make-up artist was a member of the opposite sex. Rafsana explains how the production houses gracefully dealt with all the hurdles that came with working with a real-time hijabi, something they were not very accustomed to.



Growing up with two elder brothers, Raisa regularly played football, basketball and participated in official Frisbee tournaments.

When asked about what kind of music she likes, Raisa said:

Love music, most kinds of music. And I love to dance. What’s my genre? Fun. My genre cannot be more specific than that.”


Well, that’s just the kind of person the little trailblazing model is.


She was more than happy to share with us how she ended up being the face for both of the hijab refresh and Hijab Anti-Dandruff Shampoo. A dear friend of hers from ASIATIC got in touch with her while she was working on the Sunsilk Hijab Fresh calling her and saying Raisa’s statement – “Not without My Hijab” kept echoing in her head. Raisa had been an intern for ASIATIC JWT and acted in advertisements for like Qubee, Unilever, Airtel and Berger before signing up for the Sunsilk Hijab Refresh and Sunsilk Anti Dandruff advertisements. She had also received several offers from the likes of Igloo, Parachute and Pran Mango Juice but had to pass on the opportunity because they needed a non-hijabi model for the shoot.


“I see myself as a supermom, In Sha’ Allah” says Rafsana, when asked about her future plans.

I see myself juggling motherhood, teaching and modelling for impactful brands in the future. When asked about the struggles she has faced as a person wearing the hijab, she pointed out towards the judgment. The number of times she has been judged by people who have no jurisdiction in being in her business is something that displeases her, to say the least.


She hopes this society grows out of pointing fingers and passing judgment on each other, and she can go about her life peacefully.

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