How to send out the perfect job application

Often times in this continent, employers fail to be specific about the order in which they would like to have their applications sent in.


Subject line for the e-mail, cover letter or no cover letter, and what they would like to be addressed by in the cover letter are all concerns that make the job-hunting mind anxious.


Which is why the Prestige has jotted down some must-dos to help your c.v get the attention it deserves.


For starters, always follow specific instructions provided by the firm/company in question. Hand it to them, however they want it.


If they are not specific enough, here’s what you do:


1) Look for samples

Try to identify what kind of company they are, and look for sample c.vs sent to the best organization worldwide that provide the same services or sell the same goods. For example: If you are sending your resume’ to an advertisement agency, look up Ogilvy(a world famous advertisement agency)  and look at some of the most famous resumes sent to them and take inspiration from there.


If the company you are applying to is going anywhere, the recruiters will surely appreciate the effort.

Plus, you actually get a better understanding of the requirements different firms all around the world have for the position you are applying for all.


2) Always e-mail yourself first


Whatever you are sending out, be it in the format of the recruiters’ choice, or your own researched way, always mail yourself first. We cannot stress this enough.


You have noticed the little ‘undo message’ pop-up that graces your screen for about 5 seconds, right? You know what happens if you send an e-mail with a misspelled word, a grammar error, wrong file/format and miss the 5-second window, don’t you?


The chances of your future potential employer seeing a less than professional e-mail sent from you get drastically increased.


So send yourself a test message first to spot mistakes.


3) Use a proper e-mail address:


This is one of the most important issues to keep in mind.  You do not want to be the one person in the recruiter’s inbox with an e-mail address that starts with your nickname.


So, we strongly advise using all the [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] for other things that are not your job application.


An unprofessional e-mail address sabotages chances even before they start to appear.


Imagining gathering up experience and working hard for a sturdy C.G.P.A only to have the recruiter not even open your C.V because of a less-than-professional e-mail address.

You. Yes, you.
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