Hashtags That Are Trending Today and Why

If you’re wondering what to catch up on in the world; what’s dominating the world of internet, we’ve got you covered! We’ve gathered a list of hashtags that have been trending in the last 24 hours and what they mean. Read on to find out!


If the most absurd drama and the craziest spins on reality shows are your thing, you’ll love this. This TLC reality show is about couples who apply for or receive K-1 visa, a visa that’s available to foreign fiancés of American citizens. Which gives them only 90 days to make the decision of marrying each other before the visa expires. The show has recently been renewed for a seventh season since its debut on January 2014. To make things even more interesting, the show has five spin-offs that tackle different dimensions of these relationships. It has drama, insanity, clichés and everything you can expect from a reality show which is why it’s been trending on twitter!


Almost anyone and everyone has heard of this American fast-fashion retailer. And rightfully so! They have left quite the mark on the world map, going from a small shop owned by an immigrant couple to owning a business that made them billionaires. Giving substance to all the rumors surrounding the current financial state of the company, they have filed for bankruptcy. With a global store count of 815 stores, it’s been announced that they’ll close most of their Asia and Europe stores and up to 178 US stores. It will however continue its operations across the major markets in the US as well as Mexico and Latin America. The bankrupcy filing gives the company a chance to continue its operations, while finding a way to pay its creditors of an estimated liability of between US$1 billion to US$10 billion. It has caused shock and sadness and people took to Twitter to express it all.

Lewis Hamilton, a dominant force of Formula One won the Russian Grand Prix, his first in four races, ending Ferrari’s winning streak. The win came from a combination of technical difficulty on Ferrari’s part and Hamilton capitalizing on their difficulties. A bit of a mishap involving a safety car and following team orders is why Ferrari suffered a meltdown. Hamilton’s win and the shock of Ferrari’s mistake caused people to express their happiness and shock on Twitter.

#Robert De Niro:
An absolute legend of an actor, De Niro has been quite outspoken about his political views. And when those views express a negative connotation towards the current president, believe it or not criticisms follow. And De Niro being De Niro couldn’t care less! When asked about being criticized for his political views, he slurred up a storm on CNN expressing how he absolutely doesn’t care. A globally loved actor, he was praised for his boldness by fans all over the globe who took to Twitter to show him support.

Although legally married since September 2018, Justine Bieber and Hailey Baldwin had been planning to have a grand Christian wedding pretty much forever. Although the date of their second wedding kept changing due to many reasons, the day has finally arrived for the very happy couple. And the internet couldn’t help but rejoice at the grand wedding of the pop star to his lovely model wife.

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