Food For Thought: Food That Helps You Think Better

The Prestige brings to you the best food you can try for increased brain activity during Ramadan. Since, the Holy Month has us fasting for 14 hours or more, this list shall aspire to make sure you include the right food in your Iftaar and Seheri platters to keep your brain at its best throughout the day.

Here we go:

1) Walnuts – This small brain-shaped nut can be the star of your Seheri and Iftaar platter twice a day, every day. Rich with Omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts can help you remember things that your brain might forget due to long hours of fasting.

Ideal amount to include in your Iftaar or Seheri platter: 7 walnuts (For either Iftaar Or Seheri)

It also helps in increasing our attention spans and logical reasoning abilities. Be it at work, home, or out socializing, walnuts can help your brain perform at its best during Ramadan, when your mind and body are starved of proper nutrition.


2) Broccoli – Strengthens the blood-brain barrier and helps maintain a healthy nervous system. It can also help fight migraine attacks and headaches during Ramadan. The edible greenplant contains a certain coenzyme, (Q10) that helps produce mitochondria in energy cells. A lack of mitochondria is what causes headaches, especially in the month of Ramadan. So more broccoli during Iftaar/Seheri means less chances of having headaches during Ramadan.

Ideal amount to include in your Iftaar or Seheri platter: 1 cup (For either Iftaar Or Seheri)

3) Dark Chocolate – Apart from being one of the foods that contain the highest number of anti-oxidants, (anti-oxidants are organic compounds that fight off all bad toxins that get in to your body through consumption of food and molecules in the air) dark chocolate made out of cocoa significantly improves blood flow to the brain. The higher the blood flow in the brain, the better it functions.

Ideal amount to include in your Iftaar or Seheri Platter: 1 small bar weighing about 28 grams.

This is what the little healthy mix of brain food that could act as dessert for your fast-stricken tummies after Iftaar and Seheri looks like.

So, keep your brains healthy, this Ramadan. God knows, you’ll need it!

You. Yes, you.
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