Fashion Forward

1. Can you share the inspiration behind the creation of Sanafir Fashion Ltd. and what motivated you to enter the world of fashion and clothing?

Sanafir is the culmination of my lifelong passion for fashion and clothing. Ever since I was a child, I’ve had a keen eye for dressing stylishly, and the positive feedback from those around me fueled my desire to delve deeper into the world of fashion. With the unwavering support and encouragement of my husband, K M Rifatuzzaman, I decided to turn my passion into reality and create a brand that epitomizes elegance and confidence. Sanafir is not just a clothing brand; it’s a representation of refined taste and sophistication, designed to empower individuals to express themselves through fashion.

2. Walk us through the distinctive elements that define Sanafir’s signature aesthetic and share some key design features that hold the essence of the brand. 

At Sanafir, our signature aesthetic embodies elegance, sophistication, and timeless style. We meticulously curate pieces from various sources, selecting only the finest craftsmanship, luxurious fabrics, and modern yet timeless silhouettes. Our goal is to offer versatile pieces that exude refinement and glamour to ensure the highest quality and style standards.

3. Share your perception of how fashion not only serves as a means of self-expression but also empowers women to embody confidence and embrace modernity.

Fashion is more than just clothing; it’s a form of self-expression and empowerment. At Sanafir, we believe that the way we dress can reflect our inner confidence and personality. By gathering stylish and contemporary designs, we aim to empower women to embrace their individuality and feel confident in their skin. Our clothing encourages women to step into the modern world with poise and sophistication, allowing them to express themselves authentically while staying true to their unique style.

4. Tell us a little about your roles and responsibilities within Akhtar Group and how your leadership and vision contribute to the success and strategic direction of the conglomerate.

Within the Akhtar Group, my role is multifaceted, encompassing strategic direction, innovation, and cultural preservation. I am committed to shaping our company’s cultural heritage while staying attuned to current trends. We strive to strike a balance between tradition and modernity, ensuring that our offerings resonate with contemporary consumers while honoring our rich heritage. This approach not only fuels our success but also fosters sustainability and relevance in today’s dynamic market landscape.

5. What exciting plans or projects can we expect from Sanafir shortly? How do you see the luxury fashion and furniture industries evolving and how do your ventures plan to contribute to it?

In the near future, Sanafir is gearing up to unveil new lifestyle brands, focusing on fashion accessories such as bags, shoes, and jewelry. While specifics are still in the brainstorming phase, Sanafir is committed to expanding its presence in the lifestyle segment, offering elegant and trend-setting designs to fashion-conscious individuals. As the luxury fashion and furniture industries continue to evolve, we envision a future where craftsmanship, sustainability, and innovation converge to redefine luxury. Our ventures aim to contribute to this evolution by pushing boundaries, embracing sustainability practices, and delivering exceptional quality and design. Stay tuned for our exciting developments that will set new standards in luxury and design excellence.

6. How has your involvement with EO Bangladesh impacted your perspective on entrepreneurship, and what benefits do you see for entrepreneurs in being part of such a community?

My involvement with EO Bangladesh, particularly as the SLP co-chair, has been immensely rewarding and transformative. Being part of this vibrant community of entrepreneurs has allowed me to grow personally and professionally by learning from the experiences and insights of fellow members. EO Bangladesh provides a platform for entrepreneurs to connect, collaborate, and share knowledge, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth. As the SLP co-chair, I have witnessed firsthand the benefits of being part of such a community, where members support each other, challenge assumptions, and collectively strive for excellence. Through EO Bangladesh, entrepreneurs have access to valuable resources, networking opportunities, and mentorship, enabling them to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve greater success in their ventures.

7. Looking ahead, what are your visions for the future of EO Bangladesh, and how the association can impact the entrepreneurial landscape of Bangladesh?

My vision for the future of EO Bangladesh is to continue fostering a dynamic and inclusive community that empowers entrepreneurs to thrive and innovate. I envision EO Bangladesh playing a pivotal role in shaping the entrepreneurial landscape of Bangladesh by fostering a culture of collaboration, creativity, and resilience. Through strategic initiatives, educational programs, and networking opportunities, EO Bangladesh aims to inspire, educate, and support entrepreneurs at every stage of their journey. By harnessing the collective expertise and resources of its members, EO Bangladesh has the potential to drive meaningful change, fuel economic growth, and create a lasting impact in the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Bangladesh.

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