Country’s most luxurious furniture and home décor retail Penthouse Livings has officially launched the renowned Italian luxury brand Poliform in Bangl [...]
1. Let's start with a brief introduction to your early life and career journey. Muhammad Wahidur Rahman Adib: The inspiration for pursuing architectur [...]
On September 24, 2022 at the official launching event held at the new showroom of Renaissance Decor Limited at Level 5, Plot 76, Road 11, Banani, THRE [...]
Pursuing Perfection
1. We would like to start with a short introduction about yourself and your academic background. My undergraduate academic journey in Bangladesh began [...]
1. We would like to start with your short introduction covering your academic journey, childhood, and hobbies. I was born in the small village of Bogr [...]
On July 23, 2022, Penthouse Livings, the country's most opulent furniture and home décor retailer, officially introduced the renowned luxury brand Cor [...]
Q. Give us a brief introduction of yourself. I run a family business which is my profession. I am an industrial designer and machinist. Currently, I'm [...]
Q1. Could you give us a glimpse of yourself? Hi, I am Zohra Mahzabeen Mondira. I am a Pilot. I started my career with Regent Airways back to 2015. Pre [...]
1. Let’s begin with introducing yourself and your background? My name is Zubaida Faiza. I grew up in Chittagong and attended primary and secondary sch [...]
"The Marvelous Show" has started from 5th February with popular social media influencers of the country in a different kind of arrangement which is pr [...]