The Prestige had a fun time chatting with Sahar Rahman, the face behind Sahar Rahman Couture, and her sister Amana Rahman, who owns Amana Rahman – Bes [...]
Dollars, and Pounds? Wrong! Kroner, Euros and Swiss Francs are top of the food-chain today. If you think you had even a vague idea about the richest c [...]
Nafees Reza Vicky is an upstanding, persevering and well-loved restaurateur in Bangladesh, who gave us a bit of his valuable time to speak to us about [...]
Tomboyish by nature, Munzarin Zaman never imagined that she would one day make a business out of roses. Munzarin attended the International Sch [...]
Togetherness: The Spirit of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
We all know how big a thing Friends was in the ’90s and the early 2000s. Being a show that explored the lives of six, unique individuals in their 20’s [...]
Rehanur Rahman, who is currently a lecturer at North South University and the owner of Ginza, and Mohaimin Mostafa, who has his own software startup, [...]
Nowadays, lipsticks come in an assortment of shades, textures, and finishes. The diverse range of lip products available in the market today gives con [...]
Having spent the better part of her childhood bouncing between Dhaka and London, Shehna has had the opportunity to meet people from different walks of [...]
Hayao Miyazaki: The Godfather of Animation
Hayao Miyazaki, who can arguably be called the godfather of animation, started directing animated movies in 1979. He founded Studio Ghibli in the year [...]
Let us introduce you to the man who is taking revolutionary steps in making Bangladesh fit. Celebrity fitness guru and the man behind arguably the bes [...]