The Prestige asked Raisa Rafsana, the vibrant real-life hijabi from the Sunsilk Hijab Refresh and Hijab Anti-Dandruff Shampoo advertisements. Unbeliev [...]
Rumors About A New Harry Potter Film
Alleged good news, Potterheads! Rumor has it, that Warner Bros. is in talks about developing a new film for the Harry Potter universe with the origina [...]
The Prestige brings you the toughest rivalry of the weight-loss-world in 2019.The debate between 16/8 intermittent fasting and One-Meal-A-Day eating r [...]
The owner of SugarRush Cupcakery and The Kitchen Studio, Fareeha Chowdhury, sat down to have a chat with us on how she turned her hobby of baking into [...]
The Prestige sat down with the team of "I Know, Right". Which is an online blog by lawyers and law enthusiasts to protect you from all that is unjust. [...]
Probably still lying around somewhere in your room, lies a bright yellow colored Livestrong wrist-band that you so adorably sported with everything yo [...]
The Prestige brings you an assortment of the worst fashion trends to ever hit Bangladesh, and we sincerely hope you agree. Here we go: 1) Baggy [...]
As more and more buildings are mushrooming on Dhaka, it is becoming increasingly hard to find adequate office spaces. The phenomenon of shared work-pl [...]
Hello ladies, the Prestige is exclusively excited to bring you an assortment of colors you should we wearing this September. Among the crowd of colors [...]
Here is the story of Quazi Rushnan, a brilliant student of Dhaka University and young scientist working on making solar energy more effective. She has [...]