In October 2024, M&M Business Communications turned the city of Chattogram into a hub of style, elegance, and grandeur with the successful hosting [...]
Dhaka, December 23, 2024: To celebrate the upcoming Christmas and New Year 2025, Le Méridien Dhaka has planned an array of exciting festivities. On th [...]
Social Responsibility In Auditing
1. Let’s start with your early life and what inspired you to pursue a career in accounting and social responsibility, how did your educational journey [...]
Brushstrokes of Winter Serenity
Jolokabbo 5: Musings in Watercolor—an enchanting group exhibition—celebrates the serene charm of winter and the vivid beauty of watercolor as a medium [...]
Setting A Benchmark For Excellence
1. Let’s start with your early life and what initially inspired you to pursue a career in Media and Communications. I was born in Rayer Bazar, a vibra [...]
Success Through Resilience And Integrity
1. Let’s start with your childhood memories and early life and how they have shaped your entrepreneurial mindset and leadership style. My father was a [...]
Bold Aesthetics, Unmatched Luxury
Next Generation Media
1. Let’s start with the inspiration behind launching The Front Page, was there a specific experience or motivation that drove you to start this media [...]
Redefining The Role Of HR
1. Let’s start with your career journey, what initially inspired you to pursue a career in human resources, and how your passion for HR evolved over t [...]