Inside Your Post Quarantine Travel Kit


People are desperately waiting for the day when everything would go back to normal and we can all meet one another or even go on trips together. But the fact is not everything would be exactly the way it used to be, and it shouldn’t be either. Here, we’re providing you a list of things you’d need to carry with you when you’re set to travel about.


Disinfectant Spray – It would help you clean a surface in public places before you make contact with it, and please read the instructions on the bottle to make the best use of it.


Disinfecting Wipes – You should have disinfecting wipes with you in public places to wipe down everything you come in contact with. There are new ways to make your own wipes, but it is best to buy those that are certified to give you the best results.


Face mask – This may become mandatory everywhere even after the pandemic is over just to be safe. You should have a few with you since increasing shops are making rules to wear a new face mask before entering them, and even airports might ask you to change them as a precaution. Don’t worry, by now there are so many stylish face masks out there, you’d get more than enough to choose from to match your fashion taste.


Facial Tissues – You would not be able sneeze or cough in your hands and will have to use a facial tissue to catch your germs, no matter how harmless they may be. You can use tissues when pressing buttons on a lift, of an ATM machine or any surface in public areas. You can’t be using one everywhere, and make sure you discard it properly afterwards.


Hand Gloves – Using gloves would be best when touching any surface, but make sure you change it frequently. Otherwise, you may be spreading germs from one place to another. Do not sneeze or cough into used gloves, and always dispose them properly.


Hand Sanitizer – You will have to get used to using hand sanitizer before and after touching any surface. You will also be advised to not make contact with anyone before using it for your own good as well as theirs.


You. Yes, you.
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