Will The Royal Tradition Break This Time?


After the celebration of Queen’s actual 94th birthday on 21st April, England is getting all set to celebrate her official birthday on 13th June, the second Saturday of the month.


It’s a tradition for the current King/Queen to have two birthdays and it started with King George II in 1748. His actual birthday is in November when the weather isn’t really the best, and he wanted there to be public celebrations. So, he decided to combine it with a parade in summer, and begin the ritual of monarch’s public summer birthdays.


The Queen usually spends her actual birthday with her family and there are gun-salutes in different parts of England, but this time it was cancelled for the first time in her 68 years of reign due to the ongoing pandemic.


Usually on her official summer birthday, a parade takes place at the Buckingham Palace which goes on to Downing Street, and then back again. The Royal Family then travels down as part of the ceremony, and gathers on Buckingham Palace’s balcony to greet everyone and watch RAF planes displaying an aerial performance for the event. And, of course there is Trooping the Colour where over 1000 soldiers, 400 musicians, and 200 horses participate. It has marked the official birthday for centuries.


Unfortunately, this time, it isn’t considered safe for the Royals to attend regular festivities, and so most of the celebration is cancelled except Trooping the Colour. It will take place at the Windsor Castle and can be watched on BBC One. The Queen has been social distancing there since March and is taking all the precautions against CoViD-19.


There are many events in October that haven’t been cancelled yet in hopes for a better tomorrow. However, if no advancement is seen in the near future, the Queen will not put her nation in risk.


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