3 Proven Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Fat-loss, calorie burn, ketosis and intermittent fasting are phrases we all have heard at-least once in regards to losing weight.

But, what do they really mean?

The only way you can lose weight if you burn more than you eat. And the process that turns what we eat into energy we can burn is metabolism.

Which means a faster metabolism rate, means faster weight loss.


1) Snack Smart:


Eating a healthy snack every 2-3 hours keeps you fuller throughout the day and helps you lose weight. Eating regularly keeps your metabolism running and stops it from slowing down. Slow metabolism rate means you put on weight faster.

But a healthy snack means a non-sugary, extremely low on calories but filling snack.

Oranges and bananas are smart choices.


2) HIIT Workout:

High-Intensity Interval Training is a term that has been top of the charts forever. Because it is effective. All you need to do is dedicate 15 minutes to it on an empty stomach (you’re allowed to drink water) first thing in the morning, and you end up losing around 200 calories every time you do it. Which leaves you with a spiked metabolism throughout the day and feeling fresh energetic all morning.

We found the 15 Minute HIIT Metabolism Booster – Total Body and Abs HIIT Workout by Fitness Blender on Youtube to be pretty effective.


3) Get 7-9 hours of sleep:


Remember how we told you metabolism turns what you eat into energy, so the higher it is, the faster what you eat gets turned into energy. Well, your metabolism needs you to be asleep for at-least 7-9 hours every day. Otherwise, it fails to function properly. Sleeping less triggers fat storing hormones and your metabolism fails to process sugar, starch and other energy into energy as fast as it is supposed to. Slower metabolism means you gain fat faster.

So, follow these three proven methods and get that metabolism running.
Happy eating and sleeping!

You. Yes, you.
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