A Necessary Meal For Every School-Going Child

Tiffin is considered a necessary meal for every school-going child. As they spend a long time in school, we must ensure that we provide nutritious tiffins to them to fulfill their nutritional needs. Children’s preferences differ, and so do their school schedules. So mothers need to prepare tiffin in a way that serves their necessary nutrients, and they will also enjoy having it. Regardless of the quantity, ensure it contains nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Morning shift school children must be fed breakfast from home. Most children go to school without having breakfast. Therefore, giving fried food during their tiffin period or not giving proper tiffin will not be healthy for them on an empty stomach. So having even a light breakfast will help the tiffin to be a fulfilling meal for him. Always remember, tiffin serves the purpose of the tiffin, not breakfast. 

In the morning, bread – egg or oats – milk – egg or cereal – milk – egg, bread – egg, yogurt with flattened rice, banana, etc. are ideal for breakfast and also great for health.

And for those going to day shift schools, it is best if they eat lunch at breakfast. For example, foods like rice, fish, vegetable, lentils or rice, egg, lentils or rice, and chicken are great for their breakfast as they often miss their lunch. Due to this, they develop problems with acidity or gas or other problems like weight gain. So, instead of having light snacks during breakfast, they can have those in their tiffin. 

Things to keep in mind while choosing the right tiffin

1. Discuss with your child and select the tiffin menu according to their preferences. 

2. Even if it is small in quantity, tiffin should include food with high nutritional content.

3. You should avoid providing drinks and soups as tiffin. Children often do not like it. 

4. Do not give foods that harden when cold.

5. You should arrange your kid’s tiffin box nicely.

6. Food should be served in food-grade plastic or food-safe containers.

7. Tiffin food should be soft and fresh.

8. It is better not to put store-bought food in the tiffin.

9. Adding some cucumber or dry fruits etc. along with any tiffin will help children to develop the habit of eating fruits.

10. Try to give them tiffins more in quantity so that they can share them with their friends which will make their tiffin time more interesting.

11. For those who stay in school for a long time, it is better to give tiffin that they can eat in two portions.

12. Small size food should be given as tiffin so that children can eat comfortably.

13. Homemade tiffin is good for health, so home-cooked food should be served in tiffin.

14. If fried food is served in children’s tiffin, avoid using previously used oil. 

15. Avoid using artificial food color, tasting salt, and excessive salt in tiffin.

16. Any food that can spoil quickly in the heat, like mayonnaise, salad dressing, semi-cooked food, raw food, etc. should not be placed in a tiffin. 

Instead of scolding the child for not eating tiffin, try to find out the reason. Children will eat tiffin well if they eat breakfast properly. Therefore, children should be taught the habit of having breakfast. Store-bought foods can affect your child negatively and cause physical casualties such as headache, acidity, gas, increase in blood cholesterol, weight gain, etc. Try providing them with homemade tiffins like Homemade Cakes, Pancakes, Khichuri, Bread with Jam, Egg Potato Chops, Vegetable Cutlets, Chicken Cutlets, Egg, Chicken or Tuna Sandwiches, Chickpeas Halwa or Carrot Halwa, Noodles, Fish Cutlets, French Toast, Homemade Fried Rice, Grilled Potatoes, Fruits, Biscuits, Homemade Burgers, Vegetable Rolls, etc.

Remember, tiffin should be given to the child 24 days out of 30 days. So having a routine at the beginning of the month will save you a lot of trouble, and your child will also be able to enjoy different foods.

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