11 Secrets To A Healthy Lifestyle

1.    Don’t drink your calories – Quitting soda is one of the easiest ways to improve nutrition since many beverages have sugars, dyes and flavorings the body doesn’t need.

2.    Choose a smaller plate- Switch to a smaller plate, and you could reduce your calorie intake by 20 percent!

3.     Practicing gratitude- this can have a positive impact on your mental health. By spending some time each day finding things you have to be grateful for, you’re training your brain to look for positivity.

4.    Stay hydrated-  It promotes weight loss by lowering your total energy intake and improving metabolism

5.    Have some dark chocolate. Dark chocolate helps regulate the stress hormone cortisol and stabilize your metabolism.

6.     Try grape juice to heal your migraines- grapes are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B2, they can help stop you from getting a migraine.

7.     Whiten your nails using toothpaste- toothpaste whiten and protect your teeth, but it also does the same for your nails since they are both keratin based.

8.     Kickstart your mornings with lemon water- it flushes your system of toxins, alkalizes your body, and keeps your digestive system working as it should.

9.     Cool your nerves with water- if you’re feeling nervous splash some water on your face while holding your breath, this triggers an old mammalian reflex where your body thinks its diving into water.

10.   Heal with sound – you can also attend sound healing events with crystal bowls, gongs and other instruments. Online, there are many options for sound healing in which you can listen to solfeggio frequencies or binaural beats

11.  Avoid sitting for long stretches of time, remember to get up and stretch or walk around a bit every hour

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